Site policy

Visitors to the website of the Takeda Science Foundation (“Foundation”) are required to read the following terms of use and agree to the terms in advance.
The Foundation may change any of the terms of use without notice, and the new terms will apply. We appreciate your understanding.

Linking to this website

In principle, you are free to link to the Foundation’s website, whether for profit or non-profit purposes, and whether on the intranet or Internet, on condition that you agree to the “Disclaimers” and “Ownership of Copyrights and Trademark Rights” stated below. The link should be directed to the top page of the website at


  1. The Foundation exercises the utmost caution in posting information on its website, but does not guarantee in any way the accuracy, integrity, usefulness, and safety of the information. The Foundation assumes no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage that may arise from the use of any of the information posted on this website and/or any content of thereof.
  2. The Foundation has no control over the websites linked to its website, and thus accepts no responsibility for any contents of such websites, including advertisements and information on products and/or services.

Ownership of Copyrights and Trademark Rights

Copyrights to any text, illustration, logo, photograph, video and any other information posted on the Foundation’s website are the property of the Foundation or respective third-party owners.